A couple weeks ago I went to Kelowna and I stayed with my Aunt and her family. I was blessed by her eagerness to hear my stories, experiences and how God moved in my life the past year. She asked a lot of very good questions that got me reflecting on my adventure. She asked me if I saw any miracles or healings and there were a few things I told her, but I knew there was something big that I was missing. I was fustrated that I couldn't remember something so amazing. Since then I've continued to rifle through the filing cabinets in my brain and now I've finally remembered! This story is too good to keep to myself so I'm sharing it with you.
It all happened on the very last day of the race... Guatemala was a particularly hard month for our team but we had struggled through it with God's help and were now on our last day. With no specific ministry planned we headed out to buy a few last minute souveniers. (A couple weeks earlier Tracy and I met a lady who owns a thrift store that used to be a drug addict but is now a christian. We had the opportunity to encourage her and pray for her and told her that before we left we'd say goodbye.) So we planned to make a stop and do just that! While we were there, her cousin came in and asked if we could pray for her mom. Honestly, once she told us that she'd take us to her house I didn't really want to go because we had so much other stuff to get done. I kept my selfish thoughts to myself and went anyways.
She took us down a cement path to a group of dorm type houses. Hers was the first door and it had a big blanket over it blocking out the light and a little heat. Ithe back right corner her mom was laying on a bed. Darkness was visible in both realms and it reflected in her eyes where pain and rejection also lingered.
We spent about an hour with her listening to her story and then praying for her, speaking words of truth into her life, singing, and crying out to God. They are christians but felt bogged down by the witchcraft community that surrounded them. Crippled by physical and emotional pain and sickness this woman lay in bed leaving her daughter to care for everything. Their needs were so great. My heart broke as they wept and cried out to Jesus. I felt His feelings for these people deep inside my being. His love for them was and is so incredibly strong
There was a stone wall and I kept hitting it. I clawed at it, I pushed against it with all my might. It wouldn`t budge. I knew that Jesus wanted to set this wounded woman free. Free from sickness and from emotional scarring but there was something inside of that woman holding her back from letting it all go; holding her back from accepting Jesus' healing power. I wished that this woman could feel and see what God has for her the way I could. Nothing compares. And yet, even though I knew she wasn`t completely free yet, I knew that God was holding her steadfast. I had peace and overwhelming joy, feeling how great His love was for her; For her in that moment even when she couldn`t let go. Even when she didn`t fully believe, He had amazing plans for her. Plans that she couldn`t yet see but I knew that one day she would. I prayed for His love to wash over her
Knowing that the battle wasn`t over but having the assurance that we`d done what God brought us for, we said our goodbyes.
After we'd left, Lili noticed that she had forgotten one of her bags so we went back get it. As we peered through the opening door into the common area joy lept in our hearts. I felt like I was soaring. I wanted to run screaming through the streets how amazing is our God. (I probably should have). This woman who could barely turn over or sit up for more than a minute was now outside walking around with the biggest smile on her face eating some m&ms that one of the girls had given her. Gloria Dios lept from my lips. Praise the Lord!
What a prefect way to redeem the month and the perfect way to end an incredible year. God's plans are far bigger and far greater than my own. How many times do I miss out on all He has to offer because I'm too busy?
He's calling me to put Him and His plans first. He's calling me higher. Higher than this world and higher than myself.
Listen, He's calling you too.