Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Scorpion Stings And Other Things

Here's a litle of what's been going on lately....

-I'm feeling better thank you so much for all of your prayers!

-I got stung twice by a scorpion while I was sleeping, what a rude awakening that was!Thankfully they aren't poisonous so don't worry I'm okay! I now have a scorpion as a souvenir though haha! Please pray for me to be able to sleep at night without thinking about scorpions..!

- The squad leaves in one week. I can't believe how fast time has flown! It seems like they just got here. The girls and I have gone with one of the teams a couple times and it was nice to get to know them and meet their contacts. I have met so many wonderful people on the squad and made so many new friends. It will be hard to say goodbye!

-We have two weeks left here! Again, time has flown incredibly fast. It will be super hard to say good bye but I have a feeling all three of us girls will be back at some point so it's not good bye forever.

-Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat....! I just want to say that I am so excited for Christmas this year! I can't wait to be a part of the festivities at home this year!! It's strange to be here in the hot sun listening to Christmas music and planning all of our winter activities. It will be quite the shock when we get home haha.

-As always there is a lot going on in our lives.. of course the above only covers a few things on the surface. Please continue to pray for Tony and Nidia and their ministry. Pray for the boys to grow and mature in different parts of their lives as well as in their relationships with God. Pray for break through! Please pray for the squad as they finish their time here and transition to their next country and please pray for us as well as we finish our time here and transition home.

Again thank you so much for your support and prayers! You are a blessing to many :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi grillies, I can't wait to see you! I'm glad you've been well (other than the random scorpions, that is) Lots of great things happing there, so that's awesome.
    Stay safe and happy. Lots of love to each of you as always,
